Photo of the Month

Having work done by Evans? Or are you an Evans employee that is proud of the great work you do? We’re looking for the best photos of jobs, landscaping, or other projects. Submit your best photos for a chance to win a $50 gift card and have your photo featured on our Instagram page and customer newsletter.
Submit your photos to with your name, social media handles (if applicable), and contact information. Winners will be selected on the last Friday of every month.

Bulk Mulch
Evans Landscaping sells over 13 varieties of Bulk Mulch and is sold by the cubic yard. Some of the top mulch sellers are Dark Supreme, Hardwood Gold, Ravenwood and Rosewood. Order your variety today!
Order Bulk Mulch
Bagged Mulch
Evans Landscaping has 13 varieties of bagged mulch in sizes ranging from 2 cubic feet to 3 cubic feet of mulch per bag. Some of the top mulch sellers are Dark Supreme, Hardwood Gold, Ravenwood and Rosewood order your variety today!
Order Bagged Mulch
Bulk Soil
Evans Landscaping sells over 13 varieties of Bulk Soil & Additives and is sold by the cubic yard.
Order Bulk Soil
Bagged Soil
Evans Landscaping has 6 varieties of bagged mulch in sizes ranging from 0.75 cubic foot to 3.8 cubic feet of soil per bag.
Order Bagged Soil